Improve accuracy and efficiency with digitally enhanced images
Our u-ReaderTM Drug Test Scanner provides an intuitive user interface and powerful processing capability to read the Drug of abuse (DOA) screen cup and digitally document test results. It automatically recognizes DOA cup type/number of strips and completes cup scanning within 1 minute.
Prometheus SoloDx
A precision platform for quantitative detection of drugs and biomarkers
Prometheus SoloDxTM is novel point-of-care (POC) test systems based on next-generation fluorescence nanoparticle labels and lateral flow chromatographic assays.
Prometheus Symphony DX
Automated version of Solo DX for high throughput laboratories
The Symphony DXTM is a high throughput and fully automated system. It is a novel point-of-care (POC) test systems based on next-generation fluorescence nanoparticle labels and lateral flow chromatographic assays.